Lost in Space - A Littlest Pet Shop Adventure from Garth Huckabay on Vimeo.
Enjoy :)
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Lost in Space - A Littlest Pet Shop Adventure from Garth Huckabay on Vimeo.
Season and I are flying in this picture.
Tom Kangaroo Mohr was at it again. Can you imagine this guy jumping up on your window sill late at night? Booga!
This picture of Bender was too good to pass up :)
Good night!
And then the coup de gras - around 8pm - 2 rare to medium thick pub burgers on the grill with onions, tomatos, pickles and a whole avocado. Spectacular!
The WOD was better. The board said 60k RX'd again and I had to do some serious soul searching in the bathroom before coming out and throwing those 20k plates on the bar. Just suck it up and get it done!
7 rounds for time of 5 clusters (full clean and thruster) along with 7 chest to bar pullups. After the first couple of rounds, I broke the clusters up into sets of 2 and 3. I did all of the pullups unbroken and mostly chest to bar :)
PS -Audra made a comment regarding our packages Dave - nice camera action Zach!