Front Squats 1,1,1+ at 85%, 95% and 100% of single rep max.
Front Squats at 110k from Garth Huckabay on Vimeo.
Warmed up with 10 at 20k, 5 at 70k and 3 at 80k. Then I went with 2 at 93.5k (xtra credit), 1 at 103.5k and 2 at 110k. I really wanted to get 3 at 110k but my legs turned to jello on the 3rd attempt and couldn't drive with my elbows. Still fatigued from last week.
After taking a 10 minute break, I stepped up to the kettle bell to kick off the WOD.
3 rounds
20 Kettle Bell Swings at 24k
25 Wall Balls at 20lbs
30 Box Jumps at 24"
Finished 9:47
I figured this WOD wouldn't be too bad going in - seemed like a short one. I was WRONG! After the front squats, kettle bell swings and wall balls, the box jumps were tough. I did all three rounds of kettle bell swings unbroken but fell apart on the wall balls and box jumps in round two and three.
1-11-2010 GYG from Garth Huckabay on Vimeo.
Stayed up too late last night. I'm hoping to have a hearty, meaty dinner tonight and to bed early!
Old martial artists like me have trouble with squats. Any other suggestions?
Practice makes perfect! We drill squats non stop calling it squat therapy. Grab a door jamb and get low - work out the kinks. Make sure your using proper squat form too - here's an online video that'll help -
Here's another one