Welcome to my blog!
If you have any interest in CrossFit, Computers, Gardening, Boating or Drinking then you might actually find something of interest here.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fun in Wisconsin!
Messed around on a hike at Devil's Lake National Park in Wisconsin last weekend. Good times!
A Month of Reflection
By Leo Babauta We’re entering the last month of the year, and for many of
us, it’s a darker and quieter season. It’s the perfect time for reflection.
I l...
How to manage your schedule like a professional
Managing a schedule like a professional is not always easy, as one may
think. It requires organizing, prioritising, adapting, and more. It is a
What is the Meat and Fruit Diet?
Many carnivores have begun adding fruit into their animal-based diets,
transitioning from a carnivore diet to a meat and fruit diet. This is one
of the m...
9 Ways To Use On Guard Essential Oil Blend
Did you know that the On Guard essential oil blend has over 50 uses? An
extremely powerful immune-boosting agent, it can also be used to increase
Italian Salad
Serves 2 INGREDIENTS For the salad 2 cups torn fresh leaf lettuce (or your
choice) 4 Roma tomatoes, stemmed and coarsely chopped 20 whole green olives
It Still Starts With You
If you want something more, if you're aching from waiting so long to start
a new and better life, then don't let this pandemic take that dream from
It’s working……
W3D2 – OMAD and carnivore has me down 21+ lbs in the last 15 days. That is
insane, I know, but it doesn’t seem to be slowing down yet. I’ve been
perfect wi...
Coping – The Living Experiment Podcast
Coping – The Living Experiment Podcast Episode 93 These days, it feels like
most of us are just getting by. We’re surviving at a base level, just doing
The Part Nobody Mentions
Ok, enough of this, “yay everything is great” stuff. I’m sure all of you
are wondering when I’ll lay down some for-real shitty shit about life.
Well, you a...
Thursday 07.06.2017
Thursday Front Squats E2M 3 reps x 6 sets – work up to a heavy set NOT MAX
For Time: 30 min CAP 400 m run 40 Front Squats 50/35 rx+:70/55 400 m run 30
KB S...
Recipe: Easy Strawberry Frozen Yogurt
It’s not even officially summer yet, but temperatures are definitely on the
rise! During this hotter weather, I love making frozen yogurt, I use a
super ea...
Brian Riley: Learning to Walk Again
Brian Riley was exposed to CrossFit while serving as a Marine, but an
injury overseas forced him to relearn everything. Now he’s putting his
I got quite a few requests for the hard copy of the eulogy from my moms
memorial service so i thought i would post it here. I think there will be
some foll...
Paleo Chicken and Shrimp Stir-Fry
by Johanne Gilbert & Jessica Gobeil at The Gourmet Confession.com For this
recipe, you will need a cutting board, a bowl and a large pan. [...]
Read ...
The State of Modern Paleo
Apart from the weekly Paleo Rodeo, Modern Paleo has been pretty much in a
coma for the past few years, as my attention has been on Philosophy in
Action. Th...
Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies
Here is another option for your Valentine if you are looking for a treat to
give him or her. I don’t know about you but I adored the traditional
I guess I will just cut right to the chase. One World has 4 owners. For
strictly business reasons, two of us offered to buy out two of the other
owners. Ha...
Cricket Brownies
Cricket Brownie - you need to jump on this one!Like I've said before, I
don't post these days unless something really rocks my boat. Entomophagy
(eating b...
Cookbook Review: Vegan Eats World
Terry Hope Romero's newest cookbook, *Vegan Eats World* is a guided tour of
culinary locales East, West, North, and South. She provides handy spice
The Castle Home Décor and Furniture Checklist
Are you planning to furnish or redecorate your castle home? Then you might
probably be looking for something very authentic furniture and décor items.
Round up: Surviving the Holidays
After my last post on my own holiday survival tips, I came across quite a
few other blogs with advice on how to deal with the holidays while on a
specific ...
Resting my way strong...
Rest days. I always hated them. For YEARS I have lived over
trained...working out 6 days a week...for up to 2 hours a day. I lived on
very little slee...
What Women Want
Screw pretty. I’d rather be strong. Pretty fades over time. Strength gets
you through the bad shit. ~ Thea Harrison in Oracle’s Moon Advertisements
12-19-12 Wednesday Week 203
Row 500
Run 400
5 x 1R/1L TGU w/40 lbs KB
5 x 1R/1L KB snatch + windmill w/35 lbs KB
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 ...
December 3rd, 1955
Today would have been my mothers 57th birthday. She passed away suddenly
and unexpectedly when I was just 17, a few days after Mother's Day and my
junior ...
6 months later...
Well, this should come as no surprise that I've been on a 6 month hiatus
and have finally decided to get back on track. This has been my typical
trend the ...
The Death Of Beastmodal Domains
It would’ve been a great way to go out, but CrossFit HQ saw fit to shut my
scam down. Not necessarily like Russell Berger’s slimy expose on Gym
Jones, but...
One Month
it's been almost a month since my last post. I don't know what to say
anymore. Everyone is leaving, and it's interesting to hear what everyone
does first w...
What's Going On
So you may have noticed that my Facebook page is gone. Some of you
correctly guessed that this was a result of HQ finally cracking down on me.
You may ha...
I'm behind schedule...again! No point in dwelling on it, let's get to the
good stuff .
As all of you who have read my previous blog know, I have changed ho...
Mid- February!
Hello all!
It's been about 2 months since I have posted! Christmas, New Year's and
Valentine's Day have passed by.
For Christmas I went to Strasbourg and ...
The Holidays and a Second Family
I am now living with my second host family, but I spent the remainder of my
time with my first host family celebrating Christmas and New Years.
Christmas is...
Hi everyone!
Sorry it took so long! I'm sort of a noob at posting pics, so I ended up
getting left with this massive bunch of photos I hadn't posted yet, w...
Vote for my Picture!! :D
My Picture
My Mom's Picture
I'm spending some time at my Mom's in NYC and we all sat down and colored
for an hour. When we finally looked up, my littl...
The Danger Diet
*The Danger Diet*
Diet, nutrition and supplements are a cornerstone of any training regimen.
Powerlifters benefit from a diet that includes pretty much ev...
The Last Post
Just a short note to say this will be my final post.
There is no special reason - I just woke up one morning and decided to see
what else I could do with t...
Community and Comfort
Sometimes I feel like Albert Einstein. Not because I'm a German-Swiss nobel
laureate or am considered the father of modern physics. I didn't discover
the l...
The bad news: I haven't updated my blog in awhile
The good news: I've still been working out, eating right, and sleeping a
lot. Still sticking with Pat's pr...
Moving Day
Nightlife has moved! High-tail on over to
http://inthenightlife.wordpress.com/ and pick up a housewarming gift from
me to you. See you there!
Kicking it with Karen at the GYG
I just couldn't wait to take on 150 wall balls but we had to get those
jerks out of the way first.
Chris took on the lift with intensity!
After 3 sets of...
Some (Knee) Highs and Some Lows
I'll keep this brief. Today for strength we did deadlifts (5-3-1+). The
first five reps were to be at 75% of your one rep max; the set of three was
to be a...
Today's Horse Race
Today was the first training day with a partner, and it turned into quite
the horse race.
Today's WOD:
Row 1150m
95 situps
75 squat
55 pushups
35 pullup...
Catching my thoughts near the end of this week
I’ve been quiet for a few days. It’s actually been kind of nice. :)
Admittedly, I had one day where I only ate one actual meal – sometime
around 6:30PM, I ...
Welcome to Pull Up Land!
Today was a milestone in my crossfit journey. I was getting ready to start
my skill work when Jennie said,”Staci, try a pull up without the band. You
have ...
Breakfast: just coffee
Lunch: Some chicken concoction that I made in crockpot! (chicken, artichoke
hearts, onions, mushrooms, fresh pesto, and some organic ...
Last day of SEPTEMBER!!!!
OMG!!! Have I been getting sore as the day went on!!! It didnt help that I
decided to take all of my classes out to the track and I walked about 3 and
So my intention was to go to FGB IV Saturday as a cheerleader only. I
couldn't resist doing the workout though. This was first workout since
hurting my sho...
Bout time you updated your blog you green-band-for-pullups-using-slacker. :)
ReplyDeleteGet nasty during FGB tomorrow. Get out there and just crush it brother. I'll be cheering for ya at 35,000 feet.
Deep into the suck!