I figure Bill had me in mind for this one - OH walking lunge practice was just what I was looking for!
Started with
Thruster 5 - 5 - 5+
Forgot the + again - damn it! Solid performance at 60 - 70 - 75k but had more in me - should have gotten another 2 or 3 reps on round 3. Ah well! Gotta remember the extra credit next time.
The WOD was interesting
500m Row and then
3 rounds of
Overhead Walking Lunges from the bar to the door and back (20/15)
Broad Jumps fromt he bar to the door and back
and then another 500m Row
Finished 8:46
My rows were a bit disappointing during the WOD. I pulled a 1:29 on the first row and 1:48 on the 2nd - slow! I only took a couple of rests during the walking lunges - out of necessity when I couldn't stand up out of the lunge. Otherwise, I was a lot stronger with these. I've typically tried to control the lunge to touch my knee to the ground but that takes a whole lot of effort. This go around, I figured what the hell and bounced my knee of the ground. It would have really hurt on concrete but wasn't too bad on the rubber mats. Whatever gets it done!
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